Miami Regional Tradeshow Attendee Registration NOTE: We will not be allowing non-exhibiting vendors and media on the show floor Miami Regional Tradeshow Attendee Registration Tradeshow Attendee Registration Form Contact Information First Name * Last Name * Phone * Email * Company/School Information Company/School Name * Position Title * Address * Suite/Apt City * State * Zipcode * Website Attendee Information NOTE: we will not be allowing non-exhibiting vendors and media on the show floor Attendee Category * Please select...Architect/DesignerPurchasing AgentStudentEducation ProfessionalHotel RelatedProject ManagementDevelopmentNon-Exhibiting Sponsor How did you hear about the show? * Please select...Mailed invite from NEWHEmail invitation from NEWHPhone call from a local NEWH memberInvite by an exhibitor of the showAnnouncement in another hospitality-related email or websiteOther (enter below) Other/Comment Will you be attending the panel: Design Through the Decades: Multigenerational Impact on Hospitality (Noon-1pm)? * Yes No (No cost to attend) I would like to receive information via email from suppliers who exhibit at the Miami 2025 Tradeshow * Yes No Click here to submit registration If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ Please note: Once you click submit, you’ll see submission confirmation above the form and you will receive an email confirmation. Thank you – we look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions or issues with this form, please contact us