Using the CAD file provided (in PCX format) of a standard Ballroom & Pre-function area, create a design solution of your choice considering the following: –
- Ballroom & Pre-function areas are to be designed as separate components, each area divided by transition stripes in the doorways (Transition Strips to be 4” solid carpet).
- Ballroom & Pre-function designs are to be different but designed to co-ordinate.
- Number of colors not to exceed 12 in total.
- Please think or each area as your blank canvas, designs confined only by the walls, the most innovative approach would be to avoid using surface patterns with an obvious repeat, with the exception of textural elements used to add detail and layering. We’d like to see how the entire floor space could become one large design.
Submit final patterns with photos or visuals, concept boards, sketches, write ups, or other inspiration for hospitality carpets, completed package to be sent to Durkan for judging.