Each year NEWH gives out its most prestigious award, the ICON of Industry, in November at the Gold Key Gala in New York City held in conjunction with BD|NY.   The award celebrates the leaders of the manufacturing side of hospitality, those who have uniquely impacted the industry through their innovative work, consistently dedicated their time and efforts to community or industry outreach through education and/or corporate giving, and been doing business in hospitality for more than 30 years. In addition, a $7,500 scholarship is awarded to an exemplary student in the recipient’s honor.   The scholarship recipients travel and lodging to the award gala is covered by NEWH, Inc.

Announcing our 2024 ICON winner… Diana Dobin!

Meet our 2023 ICON and past NEWH ICONS OF INDUSTRY
See our past ICON Scholarship Recipients
ICON Selection Criteria/Process
Scholarship Selection Criteria/Process

Donate to the NEWH ICON of Industry Scholarship