NEWH, Inc. relies on the support of forward-looking companies within our industry in order to continue our phenomenal growth and increasing value to the Hospitality Industry.
As a Corporate Partner you are directly responsible for allowing us to keep our dues at a level where young designers and future industry leaders can afford to be a part of our organization. You also facilitate the funding for programming and CEUs that are tailored to industry-specific education. It is only through your contributions we are able to assist our 20 chapters with the ability to provide scholarships and to offer member benefits and to keep members dues affordable. NEWH does not send out blank letters to manufacturers within our industry for support. We partner with only those companies who embody the values of NEWH, Inc. We want companies who we can confidently walk arm and arm with into the future and understand the need for a mutually beneficial partnership.
As a Corporate Partner, you will benefit from Focus Groups organized for you at major industry trade shows; you will be asked to be a part of our CEU programs and have the NEWH Magazine as a vehicle to spread the news about your products, services or facilities. You will also benefit from exposure on our website ( On our website, you can click on the Corporate Partner Benefits for additional benefits and partnership levels.
It is with the help of involved companies, that NEWH has been a successful organization for over 37 years!
2025 Corporate Partners
Click here to see the 2025 Corporate Partners