Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity in NEWH, Inc.
Ideas for Chapters/Regional Groups

The objective of the Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Vice-President, Director, and Committee is to promote an environment of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity within NEWH, Inc. and NEWH Chapters/Regional Groups by focusing on programs that provide scholarships, networking opportunities, education, and recognition of the work and achievements of our members.

EQUITY is the access to opportunities, keeping in mind that advantages and barriers exist.
INCLUSION is feeling and/or being valued, leveraged, and welcomed within a given setting.
DIVERSITY and the presence of difference within a giving setting.

Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity are keys to growth in all aspects of NEWH across communities and the hospitality industry.  Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity should be an integral part of the fabric of NEWH Chapters and woven into all Chapter events and activities.  Fundraising events, Educational offerings, Networking events, and Programming for events should have consideration of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity embedded in the planning and implementation!

The following are suggestions, ideas, and options to consider in efforts to advance/increase the awareness of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) within NEWH Chapters.

Start with the Basics – EID Education
It all begins with education and being informed. Chapters may use these to review as education content, as a resource for members, and as a way to launch thinking and discussions.

  • Rachel Williams, EID consultant – NEWH used the knowledge and insights of Rachel Williams, EID consultant, to help with education, direction, and advice. See the links to access Rachel’s contributions.
  • EID webpage – Check out the EID webpage for more information, ideas, FAQ’s, and items to Listen to, Read, and Watch – Equity, Inclusion & Diversity – NEWH

Events, whether in person or using technology such as ZOOM, are the lifeblood of NEWH.  Scholarship events, fundraising events, education events, networking events, all NEWH events serve to connect members and non-members across the hospitality industry.  Events are an ideal place to focus on Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity!

Event Ideas
Following are ideas to consider for weaving EID into Chapter events.  It’s not a set of directions, but thoughts.  It’s not a complete list, but a place to start.  As we learn and experience more, this list will grow!

  • Review the local demographics to better understand who is in your community and how to engage and deliver content of interest.
  • Understand that different target groups may have different expectations from an event.
  • Plan an event of interest to all aspects of the Hospitality industry.
  • Plan an event to highlight one particular aspect of the Hospitality industry and market it as an opportunity for all to learn.
  • Plan an event that appeals to a diverse audience.
  • Select a location that highlights diversity.
  • Structure a panel of diverse speakers.
  • Engage diverse members (from your Chapter and/or other Chapters) to support student events such as resume reviews, job interview reviews, portfolio reviews, etc.
  • Engage the local community with diversity of speakers, content, hot topics, industry news.
  • Plan an event that is of interest to industry professionals as well as students.
  • Plan an event that focuses on one particular target group – such as portfolio reviews, CEUs.
  • Plan an event that encompasses different generations.
  • Engage younger generation in planning an event that may seem different from the typical.
  • Engage people who think differently in planning an event that may seem different from the typical.
  • Plan an event to include cultural experiences.
  • Select a location that highlights a cultural experience.
  • Consider content that may be beyond your typical comfort zone.
  • Consider the need to be inclusive of persons of differing abilities; select a venue for the event that is easily accessible (ramps, elevators, accessible parking, etc.)

Marketing of Events
Use care in the words used to name and to market an event. Words have power, and with power comes great responsibility.  When naming and preparing the marketing materials, use the following resources as an aid to avoid making a needless blunder:

  • Google the word/phrase – “is this word offensive” seems to be a good search phrase, e.g., is pow wow offensive?
  • List of articles on the EID website – https://newh.org/language/
  • Ask others
  • Use common sense
  • Be inclusive in building your guest list.
    • Expand your invitations to include others in the hospitality community as much as possible and/or appropriate!
    • Encourage members to bring a non-member guest as much as possible and/or appropriate!
  • Extend the reach for the event through various methods of social media.

At the Event
Have a process in place to make new members and guests feel welcomed and included, e.g., a Welcoming Committee, a Buddy System, Board members performing as hosts, etc.

Should you have questions and are looking for input on how to embrace and build on our Equity, Inclusion and Diversity within all aspects of NEWH.  Please reach out to our EID Leadership:


NEWH Inc. EID Vice President Valerie Coleman

NEWH Inc. EID Director Leonardo Luciano