Saguez & Partners
6 rue de I'Hippodrome, 93400 Saint-Quen
+33 (0)1 41 66 64 00
Contact: Joelle Renno

Chapter Level Business Member
Thinking global design means thinking about the global impact of a brand. For us, this is based on two legs: brand identityAndbranded places. The idea: to make your brand stand out wherever it is expressed.
We reveal what makes you strong so thatyour impact is lasting, in time and society.
For 25 years, we have brought together complementary professions — strategists, graphic designers, designers, architects — within our Manufacture Design. This diverse team ensures the consistency of your brand by offering a holistic vision of each project. We help you understand who you really are and grasp the behaviors and expectations of your consumers, users and citizens.
Business services: Image Development, Design: Interior Design, Design: Senior Living/Healthcare