Area of Study: Interior Design
Interested in getting certifications with the following: Biophilic Design, LEED, and possibly more
Will be going for NCDIQ certification as well

Interested Position: Interior Design

Eric Scott

Company/School name: Seminole State College Florida

City/State I'd like to locate: Boston, Worcester, Philadelphia, /MA, PA, CT, WA, RI,


Seminole State College of Florida

Sanford, FL USA

Personal Statement

I am a student in the Bachelor's Program for Interior Design at Seminole State College of Florida. I will be graduating in August of 2024. I am currently looking for a full-time paid internship or full-time position in Interior Design in the Greater Orlando area. My preferred focus is commercial hospitality and I would love to work for a firm in that specialty, but I am open to learning and experiences. I just completed an internship with Truly Modern Interiors in Winter Park. Currently, I work as a freelance Production Manager for corporate live events at conferences, trade shows, and conventions. I joined the Chapin Theater at the Orange County Convention Center in 2022. I'm also a Production Designer and was nominated for a Regional Emmy for Set Design. My background stems from production in various formats including film, TV, web series, live shows, and of course, the corporate sector.




Internship at Truly Modern Interiors, Winter Park FL Over 20 yrs Professional Experience in entertainment and hospitality production (2000 - present) including work with celebrities and Fortune 500 companies International Travel and Living Experience


Regional Emmy Nomination for Set Design 2008


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