Wallspace Consulting, LLC

PO Box 92111
Nashville, TN 37209
Contact: Brenda Linscott

We will create a clear and concise artwork plan for you and your team to follow, whether your space is complete or still under construction. First, we will schedule an introductory phone conversation to clearly understand the scope and details of your project. Next, we will request and review all necessary documentation pertaining to your project such as budget, finish boards, floor plans, blue prints, deadlines etc. Upon our review, we will meet virtually or in-person to walk the space with you and your team, taking spacial measurements and conducting our visual audit to assess different design elements, structural impediments, spacial functionality, etc., making note of everything relative to our artwork plan. Throughout our consultation process we will address:


Artwork placement (new and existing artwork)

Art selection (compliment specific design & architectural elements)

Art grouping (determine hierarchical order of multiple piece arrangements)

Custom framing (bridge artwork and environment)

Commissioned artwork (manage all communications and logistics with artists)

Budget development (strategic allocation of funds)
Artwork management (ensuring previously curated work flows with additional pieces)

Exclusive artists libraries (access to world class art)

Scale recommendations (artwork sizing and positioning)

Digital renderings (showcasing artwork in existing or newly proposed spaces)

Installation guide (tools and types of hardware needed)

Project meetings (experience working with a diverse group of design professionals)

What can we help you find?