Rizoma Architetture

Via Zanolini 12/3
, 40126 Bologna
+39 051 4598545
Contact: Giovanni Franceschelli
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Chapter Level Business Member

In the rhizome, there are no predetermined points or positions; the flow that generates life and creativity does not follow a linear path.
Rizoma Architectures was founded in 2009 and is based in Bologna, Italy.

“In the rhizome, there are no points or positions, as there are in a linear structure (…) a rhizome does not begin and does not end, it is always in the middle between things, it is inter-being, (…) it is moving between things, overthrowing ontology, dismissing the foundation, nullifying beginning and end: from the multiplicity of thinking comes [ogni] form of life.”

Gilles Deleuze – Félix Guattari

The Rizoma Architectures studio consists of a structure composed of architects, engineers, interior designers and complemented by the figure of a social media manager. Rizoma Architectures has a working method that does not follow a hierarchical or linear structure, believing that creativity, innovation and adaptability, rather than strict adherence to conventional rules, may be the most effective key to reading the world’s phenomena.

Like the rhizomatic roots of plants and neuronal cells, the firm’s structure can rely on a dense network of internal and external collaborators.Rizoma Architectures is committed to teamwork, focusing in particular on research&development, the skills of young professionals, and collaboration with the most innovative companies. The firm works on developing projects in the field of architecture and interior design, operating in the hospitality and housing, smart working and food&beverage sectors.

Rizoma Architectures’ projects have been published in various international magazines and web portals, some of them have won awards and mentions, in particular the project of The Student Hotel Firenze won the 2019 MIPIM Award in Cannes in the Best Mixed-Use Development sector.

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