Enrico G. Cleva is an Italian architect, interior designer and international business development consultant in the design an…
More about Enrico Cleva ›Lenka L. is an international business development manager and her priority is to build connections, facilitate & organize ne…
More about Lenka Lodo ›A highly successful professional, she boasts a long career in the field of marketing: initially as an exhibition marketing st…
More about Marisa Corso ›Francesco Scullica, Architect, Ph.D. in Interior Architecture, is full professor in Industrial Design at Design Department, P…
More about Francesco Scullica ›Since 2020 I joined NEWH - The Hospitality Industry Network (www.newh.org) and as Membership Director of Milan Italian Chapte…
More about Sergio Grazioli ›Founder and Managing Director of Ghénos Communication, a pr & press office agency that operates internationally, with an imp…
More about Gabriella Del Signore ›Silvia Criscione is a Lifestyle & Color consultant, she encourages the achievement of an evolved lifestyle. By the use of…
More about Silvia Criscione ›Enrico G. Cleva is an Italian architect, interior designer and international business development consultant in the design an…
More about Enrico Cleva ›Francesco De Fazio is Co-Founder of Progetto RistrutturABILMENTE and Architects & Developers Key Account for Medelhan, the me…
More about Francesco De Fazio ›Graduate in INDUSTRIAL DESIGN from the FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE in Genova Business Strategy Developer & Marketing Brand Ma…
More about Davide Catania ›Enrico G. Cleva is an Italian architect, interior designer and international business development consultant in the design and exhibition businesses. A graduate of Politecnico di Milano University, Enrico founded his practice in 2005 with his wife architect Sara Viarengo Cleva, focused mainly on interiors for corporate offices and high end residential projects. Enrico is official representative of Fiera Milano in Canada, working on the business development of global shows like Host Milano, Tuttofood and HOMI. He is a strategic consultant for the Interior Designers of Canada association, a regular speaker on interior design trends and writes for design magazines such as Canadian Interiors.
Lenka L. is an international business development manager and her
priority is to build connections, facilitate & organize network
She oversees the management and development of new business lines for
companies and she will continue to shift borders to develop new
business sectors and identify new trends.
Her priority is to do business with clever people and empower Good Karma.
A highly successful professional, she boasts a long career in the field of marketing: initially as an exhibition marketing strategist she developed and launched new trade fair formats dedicated to B2B; since then she has focused on international marketing strategies of national and multinational companies.
Her passion for marketing together with her deep belief in internationalization as the key to manage the increasingly globalised market has led her to turn to a business development specialist, mainly operating in the field of architecture and design, in which she possesses advanced knowledge. Meanwhile she has become lecturer in International Marketing at Il Sole 24 Ore Business School.
As a professional working at MC International that she founded, she supports both medium enterprises and public institutions helping them to reinforce their positioning at the local level as well as their competitiveness while conquering new markets.
Francesco Scullica, Architect, Ph.D. in Interior Architecture, is full professor in Industrial Design at Design Department, Politecnico di Milano. He has cooperated with some relevant architects and designers in univeristary and professional field: among these we mention: Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, Andrea Branzi, Giorgio Host Ivesich, Bruno Morassutti and Luca Scacchetti. Since many years he has taken part in international seminars as well as in activities as “Visiting Professor” at several foreign universities, such as the School of Architecture of Barcelona (Spain), the De Montfort University of Leicester (United Kingdom), the Institut d’Art Visuel of Orle´ans (France), the Fachhochschule fu¨r Gestaltung of Schwa¨bisch Gmu¨nd (Germany), the TEI (Technological Educational Institution) of Athens (Greece), the Lantao Culture of Beijing (China), the RTU- Riga Technical University (Latvia), the Art and Design Accademy in Latvia, the Heag (Haute Ecole des Art e Design in Geneve- Switzerland), the University of Oslo (Norvey). Nowadays (2020) he is the scientific director of two relevant master: the Master Interior Design by Politecnico di Milano and the “EMDM-Executive Management Design Master- for Innovative Environments” in cooperation between the Tongji University of Shanghai and the Politecnico di Milano. Ph.D. in Furnishing and Interior Architecture, since his doctorate (1996-1999) he started a research activity on the tourist-accommodation field and on hospitality design: in 2000 He was one of the promoter of “ H&C design” (Hotel and Contract Design). Scientific Observatory on Tourism and Hospitality (together with Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, Marco Piva, and Giuliano Simonelli), and he has organized specific refresher courses (Hotel & Contract and Hotel Experience Design, Hotel Design Solutions), contract design awards (Contract Design International Design Award), meetings, congresses and exhibitions at industry fairs (Tecnhotel in Genoa, SIA Guest in Rimini, Homi and Host- at Fiera Milano), metadesign and design researches also with reference to businesses in the field, as well as the publication of volumes, articles and books. His role as expert on the Ospitality sector and Hotel design field lead him to be part of research teams, international congress and conference, and to promote professional design consultant activities as well.
He also dealt with other research subjects on furniture design, e.g. regarding the field of contract (Interior Contract) with reference to hospitality, retail and office spaces; others research subjects are “design for a wider usership”, and “The role of design in relation with the culture of living”. He was the Italian Design Ambassador in Latvia, for the 2018 and 2019 editions of the Italian Design Day, and Italian Design Ambassador in Norvey for the 2020 edition. Among his relavant pubblications on the hospitality and hotel design field: Scullica F. (2008) Interni Ospitali, Santarcangelo di Romanga (RM): Maggioli; Scullica, F., Del Zanna, G., Fossati, M.R., (2012), Human Hotel Design, Milano: Franco Angeli; Scullica, F., Elgani, E. M., (edts- 2019), Living, working and traveling, interior design for new scenarios between hospitality and work-field, Milano: FrancoAngeli, D.I.- Design International Series.
Since 2020 I joined NEWH – The Hospitality Industry Network (www.newh.org) and as Membership Director of Milan Italian Chapter I am in charge of involving people and Companies encouraging membership.
Founder and Managing Director of Ghénos Communication, a pr & press office agency that operates internationally, with an important expertise of more than 30 years in the world of design/interior/architecture/real estate.
To the clients who decide to rely on our agency, Gabriella Del Signore and her team made of 10 professionals, offer strong skills in media relations and PR, including digital PR, which opens up new horizons. In short, I am a true design addict and a volcano of ideas that I love to share with my collaborators.
Communicating is first and foremost about sharing ideas. Which then have to be realised.
Success is not the result of chance. It is hard work, commitment, study, sacrifice and work method.
Silvia Criscione is a Lifestyle & Color consultant, she encourages the achievement of an evolved lifestyle.
By the use of Colour as a crucial tool decodes individual attitudes, explores development processes and interaction between people and their environments. (residential, offices, hotel, restaurants, retail etc.)
Experienced in business development and International networking she worked for over 15 years at Progetto CMR, ranked among the World’s Top 100 architectural firms, as key contact person for the International real estate sales & marketing and for the European ArchitectsNetwork.
She was also active in PR & Sales team dedicated to the development of Exclusive Sports Club and Luxury Wellness Centers.
As a speaker and trainer collaborates with both professionals and companies across multiple fields where improving the quality of life and achieving the best social impact is a value and a growing factor: education, design & architecture, image, wellbeing, nutrition, music & entertainment
Enrico G. Cleva is an Italian architect, interior designer and international business development consultant in the design and exhibition businesses. A graduate of Politecnico di Milano University, Enrico founded his practice in 2005 with his wife architect Sara Viarengo Cleva, focused mainly on interiors for corporate offices and high end residential projects. Enrico is official representative of Fiera Milano in Canada, working on the business development of global shows like Host Milano, Tuttofood and HOMI. He is a strategic consultant for the Interior Designers of Canada association, a regular speaker on interior design trends and writes for design magazines such as Canadian Interiors.
Francesco De Fazio is Co-Founder of Progetto RistrutturABILMENTE and Architects & Developers Key Account for Medelhan, the members-only platform for design industry leaders. He’s Consultant for professionals, brands and companies.
With University Degree in Architecture at UNIFI, Master in Design Management at Il Sole24 Business School, Master in Project Management at LUISS Business School, he’s architect, blogger and PMP certified Project Manager specialized in marketing & communication.
Francesco combines his career with a great passion for outdoor sports in particular: trailrunning, and swim running. He’s a Master swimmer at Deakker Team Bologna and Swimrunner of international level.
Business Strategy Developer & Marketing Brand Manager
Market analysis and formulation of Commercial Strategies through the development of Leadership, Networking, and Group Motivation for achieving results.
Expert in Operational Marketing and Communication, with excellent analytical skills.
Affirm, consolidate, and position the Company’s image, also through specialized or dedicated events.